Thursday 3 July 2008

Timmy & karen

Just did my first wedding with Emma. We both know Timmy fairly well so it was a reasonably relaxed affair. Started off well nice overcast day with occasional sun. all that changed during the drive to the reception at the Galgorm in Ballymena. Torrential rain, road works and diversions oh! and the bridal car broke down.
Emma and I had done a recon trip last week but there was a second wedding in place and we were very curtailed in the locations we could use. The other weddings Photographer had camped out at the entrance shelter that we had planned to use as Plan B in case it rained.
Its fairly intimidating to arrive and find the other guy is using a £35,000 Hasselblad digital camera, its a bit like pulling up beside a Rollys Royce in a skoda!

We managed to get some shots in between the downpours and all in all we are happy with what we got. lets hope the Bride and groom are too.

Emma is the girl in the middle of the scrum, looking very professional.

(as always click on the photo for a larger image)