Wednesday 28 April 2010

Sunny Picknick

When Laraine phones and asks if you want to go for a pick nick it's probably time to look out a rain coat. As soon as we get set up it always seems to rain. Not wee spots of rain but torrential rain. However we are a hardy bunch and used to roughing it a little and have a great time just the same. About an hour after we had finished the sun came out and we had a lovely walk down the prom in Newcastle. A quick ice cream at Maud's, job done. A lovely day is not measured by the surroundings or the weather it more about the people you spend it with, and the relationships you build by spending time together. Laraine & Jim have been good friends for a very long time...

John Brown

I have been photographing a number of people in my Church. The idea is that each and everyone of us has a story to tell, and my job is to illustrate their story with a photograph or two. I love this kind of project as it give me the opportunity to meet interesting people and photograph them in a natural environment. John was involved in a car accident that left him in a wheelchair, he has worked tirelessly to help others in a similar situation and has been involved with Disability Action and Through the Roof Ministries, who provide disability aids to disadvantaged people. John even get's some of his wheelchairs refurbished by inmates in our local prison.

Sunday 18 April 2010


Love this photo of my Buddy Bert. He has really big paws.

Best Buddies

Nathan and Bert are becoming great friends. The two played in the garden on Saturday for a while. Bert is gentle despite his size and Nathan smiles every time he comes close. Nathan is now crawling and we took him into the hall to play. He set off at a pace down the hall through the kitchen to the back door just to see were Bert was.