Sunday 27 March 2011

Nurse Ruth

Ruth was home for a short break from her studies at Dundee University, she was a good enough sport to let me take a photo of her in her trainee nurses uniform.  Doesn't she look well!


Wednesday 16 March 2011

Lewis family (quick update)

Lewis family Jr, came over for lunch on Sunday.  We don't have many images of the four of them together so we didn't let the opportunity pass.  As you can see everyone is doing well and Sarah is starting to sprout up.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Danger Artist at work

It never ceases to amaze me the work that the senior citizens turn out at the arts club.  Tonight was the opening of their most recent exhibition, at the Arts for All centre, York Road.  The special guest was MLA Nelson McCausland, who came direct from the important Budget vote at the Assembly.  Here are a few snaps.
( click on the image for a bigger version )